It all started when Curator Carol Hickman decided to reach out to Auburn University Montgomery to look for an intern. Immediately, Jennifer Eifert applied for the position and has become a wonderful asset to the Kelly. As she gained credit in her education, The Kelly gained help with doing paperwork, hanging art, initiating an Instagram account, curating art, and yes, carrying ladders. She even brings her two teenage sons to help, which is extremely helpful (They climb the 17 ft. ladders!)
Now that her semester has finished, Jennifer applied for a paid contract part-time position, which was granted by the Kelly Board of Directors, based on a grant received that pays her salary. She has been so helpful and become such an important part of the team that Carol did it again!
This time Alyssa Spalding was chosen as the unpaid intern, and Jennifer will be helping Carol train her--each one teach one! What a great program, and we have to thank AUM for its cooperation with us.
Photo of Jennifer Eifert by LJ Christensen