Photo of Kimmie (left) and Carol Hickman, curator (right), courtesy of Carol.
Everyone was welcome--even beginners--to Kimmie Gillock's workshop this past week. The tables were set with paint, brushes, paper and cups of water. The participants got to try their hands at a type of painting different from the more typical oils and acrylics.
Watercolor is Kimmie's favorite medium, and she enjoys teaching. If we get more interest, we can certainly engage her again to teach another class.
Earlier this summer, Neill Thompson taught a woodworking workshop at his shop, the Longleaf Wood Shop. Neill, a new Kelly member, has offered to run another at the special reduced price for The Kelly.
Now that we have a location, we can run workshops like these and others. There's been talk of a jewelry-making class and a paint-pouring demonstration. if you have some ideas or would be willing to teach, please let a Board Member know. We will do our best to make it happen.